Get treatment for all your healthcare needs.


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Online Consultation

These online appointments involve a thorough analysis of symptoms and screening, followed by gentle exploration of movements and guided self-treatment all from the comfort of your home. Sportswear and a yoga mat and some bands are useful to the session, as well as access to a computer with Zoom or Skype.

30mins |  £50

60mins |  £85


Sports Massage

This form of massage is tailored to sports injuries and issues such as tennis elbow, hamstring strains and ankle sprains. The massage tends towards firmer pressures and assisted stretching, making it perfect for pre and post event preparation or cool down. It can also be adapted to everyday issues such as tension from desk-based work or lower back pain.

60mins |  £85

90mins |  £135



Osteopathic treatment involves a thorough consultation taking a medical case history and full postural/movement assessment. This is followed by a brief communication of treatment options and typically how many sessions it may take for recovery. All treatment is tailored to your preferences and rehabilitation plans/exercises are given to support your recovery in between appointments.

60mins |  £85

90mins |  £135


Restorative Massage

As the name suggests, this massage form is gentler and involves less targeted work, to help relieve stress, unwind and reduce tissue fatigue. It may help with general lymphatic drainage so lends itself to restoration after long journeys, static based or manual jobs.

60 mins |  £85

90 mins |  £135


“Aylin is an excellent practitioner. She is very knowledgeable. As she is treating you, she helps you to understand how your body works, the interconnectivity between parts & how it responds to her treatment.

I have experienced immediate pain relief & improvement.

I would highly recommend!”

— Eilis. W., Osteopathy Patient

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.